When you make your initial contact with me on my site, you will see that on the form I ask you to describe your relationship in three words. While the majority of you will complete this part, some leave it entirely blank and I often wonder if the people who leave it blank do so because they can't think of the words, or do they maybe think it's a load of waffle? Reading these words is so insightful for me though, and I can usually get a good feel for the couple who are inquiring about my availability. (My personal favourite over the years has been 'Till we're dusty!') So often these three words really evoke an overall sense of the people who are contacting me, because remember - you've got to read all about my services, maybe you've also listened to me on Instagram/YouTube/Facebook or heard me performing live, but I have very little to go on and I've been in this business long enough to know that I MUCH prefer to work with people who know this is more than just a job, and how important the relationship I have with my couples is to me. I have a genuine appreciation for each and every one of you who choose me to be there on your wedding day so when I read your chosen words, it helps me to engage with you on a more meaningful level, arguably on YOUR level. Using real examples here, the couple who chose 'adventurous, cheeky and sarcastic' are going to be quite different from the couple who chose 'nerdy, shy and family', right? Perhaps! It does give me a definite insight into how they want to be known and best of all, I can sometimes even guess the kinds of music the couple will be interested in from these three words too, believe it or not.
So, if you are reading this and your next step is to contact me, please do complete that section on the form, and I will tell you what I gather from it in my reply. Help me to get to know you! Can you guess what mine are?
Much love,
Emily-Rose xo